Tuesday 17 July 2007

Sydney - Australia

It's nice shiny weather here in Sydney (around 15 deg.) and some people wear T - shirts and shorts.

Cars drive on the left side of the road as in New Zealand and you can see subway train just above your head :) in the middle of the downtown street.

You can buy 20 minutes of Internet for 2$ and when you go 200 metres, on the same street you find another Internet Cafe with the same computer and Internet for 2$ for unlimited access.


Stano Trlica said...

They have to build their wealth on something " money from abroad :-) brought by tourists"

Roman said...

Yes, but it's looks that Ministry of Tourism has to work quite well in Australia and New Zealand.
There are lots of people from all around the world in the tourist places.

But they cannot compete with London prices :)