Monday, 13 August 2007

Delhi - India

Delhi has better public security than London !
Your bag and you are checked by security staff probably at every subway metro station entrance. My bag was checked even at Pizza Hut entrance :)
Maybe because of bloody terrorist attacks in Delhi two years ago.

Qutb Minar Complex - UNESCO World Heritage Site:

Asia's largest computer hardware market:

IT shops are located on all floors of these buildings
packed by PCs, gadgets and people.
Last couple of days I tried to bargain for some souvenirs at Indian bazaars, it's very difficult.
Theoretically the real price is one third of price that the merchand asks for.
But I didn't get better than a half at the end.

Tomorrow morning I am flying to London after 60 days travelling and I am definitely different person returning.


Stano Trlica said...

Well congrats, can't wait to talk about it and see you again.

Michaela said...

Ahoj, konečne za tebou. Plný dojmov a veľmi unavený.... hlavne že si v poriadku. Viem o lepšej dovolenke....nabudúce.

dantza said...

hepi brrrzdej tuu juu, hepi brrrzdej tuu juu! hepi brrzdej dir Omca, hepi brrzdeej tuu juu! :

Roman said...

vdaka vam vsetkym

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